Autumn leaf jewellery
This week a jeweller told us on Twitter how inspiring they found Autumn because of the colours the leaves turn. So that has prompted a look at autumn leaf jewellery. Copper metal clay and fold formed copper are obvious choices for creating leaves in autumnal shades but it is striking how many jewellers are using resin, leather, plastic, textiles and glass to represent leaves or their colours.
Here are a few of our favourites to inspire you.
These Catherine Chandler copper leaf earrings have been heat-treated in order to produce their vibrant colour

Sue Gregor has developed her own method of dying and embossing plastic which she calls Fossilized Plastic. It captures fine details on the embossed surface, as in this cuff

You can capture actual leaves in resin as with this piece by MGArtisanPendants

Or use leaves in resin as a background to silver. Resin and silver leaf pendant by Blue Brick.

Textiles give you the movement of leaves and allow you to create wearable statement pieces such as this embroidered necklace by Shirley Anne Sherris.

Leather gives you movement, shape and is great for autumnal shades. Selection by by Jo at Chic-ycow Designs