Dragon inspired jewellery
It’s St George’s Day and, because he reputedly slayed one, here is a selection of dragon themed jewellery.

We spotted this stunning gold, jade, ruby, diamond and pearl antique brooch, circa 1870, on Pinterest.

Anastasiya Ivanova has a really fascinating collection of dragons and other jewellery created using wire weaving on her website.

One of a series of rings by Tito Pedrini where dragon’s claws clutch the gems

You can move away from literal interpretations of dragons. These soutache earrings by Sabo Design draw their shape from dragon patterns.

The faceted chalcedony and smoky quartz cobblestone-set in the brass-framed cuff bracelet looks like dragon scales, from Peruvian Connection

And finally dragonsblood jasper in a wirework pendant by Simple Gems