Inspirations: Daffodil jewellery
To celebrate St David’s Day with all our Welsh students and friends we are offering some inspiration with daffodil themed jewellery – especially so many of you enjoyed our look at tulip pieces the other week.

These daffodil brooches have been recycled from old, out of circulation English bronze ‘Thrupney-bit’ coins and unwanted antique fork prongs by The Hairy Growler. Daffodils seem to be a popular theme for using recycled silver.

A 14ct band by Stuart Devlin, in the form of seven daffodil heads each centred with a brilliant cut diamond

This vintage 1930s yellow celluloid daffodil necklace makes a great statement piece – and leaves us wondering what we could achieve with resin.

Not all daffodil jewellery has a vintage bent though. This gold pearl and silver necklace is by Judith Neugebauer

Silver pierced daffodil pendant by Mikylla Claire Jewellery

You can make this wire and bead ring and other daffodil items in this great tutorial by Sue Mason-Burns for Making Jewellery (don’t forget it’s Mothers’ Day on Sunday)

Or try a beaded bracelt like this one (video tutorial)