Inspirations: Etched metal jewellery
Etching is a method for adding complex and detailed patterns to metal using acid and acid resitant materials to create markings in silver. It allows you to create interesting effects and can be seen under transparent enamels. Variations on the technique can be used to create different effects.

Jennifer Stumpf combined metals combined etching and handstamping as well as metals in this piece

This pattern from paisley fabric etched into copper by Roslyn van der Wal shows how complex designs can be used

This Branch Bracelet by Sandra Noble Gross shows the versatility of the technique

The texture of etched pieces such as these copper earrings is often brought out using patinas. Here BlueSkyBlackBird has used a traditional blue-green verdigris.

This Dia de los Muertos cuff from Joolz by Lisa uses “coloured patinas” – inks designed to adhere to metal – to highlight the etched pattern

These earrings found on Art Jewelry magazine’s forum use a similar technique