Inspirations: Feathers and plumage in jewellery
There has been a lot coverage of the V&A’s Alexander McQueen exhibition which opened this week and one topic that has come up quite a bit is McQueen’s fascination with birds and his use of plumage in his designs.
The bird fascination has been carried through in Sean Leane’s jewellery collection to accompany the V&A show which you can see here and it set the LJS team off on a look at how else plumage has influenced jewellery makers.

These striking earrings show that grouped feathers can work as jewellery as well as separated dangling ones. This image was found in an article on men’s earrings on

Striking feather necklace by Gudrun Arp

Not all feather jewellery features real feathers such as this ring by Maria Nilsdotter

Feathers can be leather such as this one by LoveAtFirstBlush…

… or Perspex, Tatty Devine style
If you are now feeling inspired check out this feather necklace from LJS founder Jessica Rose’s book Bead and Wire Fashion Jewellery or take a Fashion Jewellery class to find out more about working with feathers.