Summer holiday jewellery-making part one: bracelets for kids
The loom band bracelet craze has hit both girls and boys so we at the London Jewellery School thought we’d give you a series of posts about crafting with kids. In this post – our top 5 bracelets to make with children.
It’s nearly time for the school holidays which may mean you will need some things to do with your children/grandchildren/nieces/nephews/friends etc. This could be a great time to share your love of jewellery making with the. And the loom band trend means that they could already be receptive of the idea. Heis our top 5 bracelets to make with kids (or just for yourself!).
Number 1

Our number 1 is the bracelet of the moment – the loom band bracelet. These stretchy bracelets are made of coloured elastic bands woven together on a loom. The basic weave is an easy pattern to learn so get them to teach you (my niece taught me). Alternatively, check out for some excellent free tutorials (including videos) from the basic patterns to more complex weaves to work on together or to impress them with your skills
Number 2

My favourite, the knotted friendship bracelet. I spent many a long, happy hour making these in different coloured embroidery thread and different patterns (perhaps you did too!). Dig out your embroidery thread, find a safety pin and get knotting. Here is a tutorial for the basic knotting pattern from bracelet book if you haven’t tried before or you need a refresher. Image: best of the 80s
Number 3

Upcycle old bangles or cheap finds with gorgeous scrap fabric. This is a straightforward one and you can find a free tutorial here
Number 4

Use some children’s beads (or some from your stash) to create this gorgeous bracelet. The tutorial for this bracelet can be found here
Number 5

T-shirt bracelets. Children rather quickly grow out of their t shirts and this is a way of upcycling them (tutorial here). Also look out for a tutorial on recycled demin and cotton bracelets coming soon on this LJS blog
It should go without saying but make sure you supervise children with their making and choose a project that suits their age.
Do share any jewellery making you do with us on our facebook page or by linking to image via the comments section here – we’d love to see what you come up with!
And don’t forget – although we don’t teach kids at the London Jewellery School , grown ups can learn with us and pass on their new skills.
Anna Campbell is an experienced teacher and enjoys different types of jewellery making including beading and metal clay. She runs her own business, Light Boat Jewellery and has made jewellery for celebrities.