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Mon-Sat, 9am-5pm


Apex House

69 Middle Street

Brighton, BN1 1AL

Apex House

69 Middle Street

Brighton, BN1 1AL

Mon-Sat, 9am-5pm

21 Mar, 2018

Not Just Castings – how lost wax casting works and more

At the beginning of 2016 I undertook a placement with Just Castings in Hatton Garden. This was part of the two week intensive Advanced Diploma in Creative Jewellery Making (see previous blog entry about how great this was) which I had completed the previous summer. Their premises have since moved to a spangly new home next door at 19 […]
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13 Mar, 2018

Jewel Day-All that glitters

Often in life it’s the genuine article, the purest and most natural, which we value most. All gemstones have a special month to shine, see ‘Birthstones’. So it’s worth exploring the joys of the unreal, underappreciated or synthetic of the jewellery world on Jewel day.   Let’s first take a look at the useful, synthetic, […]
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11 Mar, 2018

Learn wax carving for free

Join Jewellery School Online in the brand new, FREE online ‘wax carved ring’ class and learn how to use jeweller’s wax to make a unique ring, how to get it cast in the metal of your choice and much more. This video course gives you step by step instructions and helpful hints to get to grips […]
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01 Mar, 2018

World Book Day-1st March

Never judge a book by its cover they say and certainly not on World Book Day. And especially when investigating the work of Jeremy May. Here, beneath what is bound,  a ring, a bangle or a necklace could be found. May uses a top-secret lamination technique to create bespoke pieces from a bookkeeping the original binding as […]
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05 Feb, 2018

Valentine’s Day-Jewelling couple Lisa Walker and Karl Fritsch

Valentine’s Day may be about the love an individual has for another person, but here at London Jewellery School we are all about the love of making jewellery. So on this lovey-dovey day I would like to shine a spotlight on one of my favourite jewellers, Lisa Walker, who happens to be married to another […]
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29 Jan, 2018

Pantone Colour of 2018-Ultra Violet-will purple reign again?

Said to communicate originality and visionary thinking towards the future, Ultra-Violet makes a welcome entrance to kick start 2018- a bit of forward thinking is just what we need. Take a look at how these jewellers have also taken to this shade to inspire your own creations this year. Jewellers have many a purple shade […]
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22 Jan, 2018

January Birthstones-Garnet-Give me strength

Weary or rested from celebrating or resting over the December break, January may feel like a rough month to have a birthday. But these January folks are not down-hearted. They are ambitious leaders, who love to learn new things and take living seriously. They also have a cracking birthstone in garnet to back them up, […]
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18 Dec, 2017

Branding for Your Jewellery Business

If you’ve been following along with us on the free Starting a jewellery business course then you will have made it to week 3. If not, don’t worry! There’s still time to join and all the resources will remain available to you indefinitely. Week 3 is all about building a brand for your jewellery business. […]
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15 Dec, 2017

Strong the force is with these ones

The latest Star Wars film is out soon. Hurray hurrah. It would be tempting to parade the range of jewellery that directly references this ongoing intergalactic saga. Let’s face it any ring set that reminds you of the ‘I love you, I know’ moment can only be a good thing, although I would insist on […]
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04 Dec, 2017

Join us for a FREE online course – start your jewellery business

Are you planning to start a jewellery business? Or perhaps you already have one and would like a boost? We’d love you to join us for a FREE three-week online course to help you work through what you need to do to get started. Join Jessica Rose, our founding Director and award-winning jewellery entrepreneur, for […]
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17 Nov, 2017

Market Research- a few tips for selling at craft fairs

So I recently did my first craft fair. Scary stuff eh?, but whilst panicking that I may have nothing to sell I managed to pick up some helpful hints from around the jewellery school. Helen told me to bear in mind the amount of money people would want to spend at the type of fair […]
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01 Nov, 2017

Free online course – make a stone set ring

Did you know that as well as our classes in London we also have online courses you can enrol on? Jewellery School Online is perfect for those who can’t get to our courses in London or those who want a refresher of techniques that they can learn from home. Our online courses feature videos you […]
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25 Oct, 2017

Jewels for Halloween – It’s a kind of magic

Halloween in the Adams Family household was never a small Thing, my personal style may have gone from Cousin Itt to Pugsley in the last 25 years but my enthusiasm for this dubious holiday has not wavered. So in the spirit of celebration of the unknown and creepy, we can also embrace the magical and […]
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16 Oct, 2017

Birthstones for October-Opal and Tourmaline-Fruity favourites

If you are born in October you are peace loving characters who wish to be surrounded by beauty. So it’s fitting that your birthstones are the ones with magical rainbow shades, Opal and Tourmaline. Tourmaline is best known for its green and pink shades but it is the gemstone found in the greatest range of […]
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